amp & preamp for acapella violon

I would appreciate your recommendations for an amp & preamp
to use with my newly acquired Acapella high Violons with the
sub active bass. The speakers are still breaking in and have about 40 hours on them. My initial impressions are superb (specially the midrange horns and the plasma tweeters). I have a problem with the bass as I am currently
driving them with the Audio Aero Prestige single ended mono
blocks which do not seem to have enough power to control the
lower frequencies. The rest of the system consists of:
DCS Verdi/Purcell/Elgar Plus all with the DSD firewire
Hovland pre
Kimber Select 1030 interconnects and digital cables
Kimber Select 3038 speaker cables
various Shunyata power cords

The amplifiers and preamps I have in mind are
Halcro dm58/68 and Halcro dm10 pre
Edge Signature mono blocks and Wyetech Opal pre
Chord SPM 6000 mono blocks and top of the line Chord pre
Audio Research ref 300mk2 and ref 2mk2 pre

If anybody has experience with tube amps like the Tenors or
Vaics or Wavacs or any other high powered single ended triodes (which I prefer) on these speakers pls respond ASAP

Likely additions to the system in the near future will be
either the Clearaudio Master Reference turntable (with the
Clearaudio arm) or the Simon Yorke turntable to replace my
current SOTA Star Saphire & Alphason arm setup. My cartridge
which is the Koetsu Onyx Saphire will stay with system.

Thanks and happy new year to all in advance.
I just discovered this thread and reading your comments re: the Acapella. We are the US distributor of WAVAC and can assist you with a WAVAC dealer. In fact, we have a dealer with Acapella Violins and HE-833 v1.3. This newer WAVAC is an upgraded version of the 100w/ch HE-833. The v1.3 model offers 150w/ch and the sonicvs are even better than the "little" 100w/ch HE-833. Please contact me at 937-439-2667 or and we'll get you in touch of the WAVAC/Violin dealer.

btw, WAVAC now has 3 833 models providing 150 w/ch! As with all WAVAC models, no caps in the signal path and only 1 output tube per channel.

Thanks for your interest in the WAVAC amplifiers.

Jim Ricketts
tmh audio
There has been more changes to the system. First of all the tube rolling experiments on the Hurricanes yielded incredible results . I have changed the stock tubes with the NOS RCA Vt231 grey glass and Electro Harmonix KT88.

Thereafter, a second set of Hurricanes with Electro Harmonix tubes (KT 88 & gold pin 6SN7) was used to biamp the system whereby the new amps were used to drive the low frequencies.

Then, Nordost Valhalla power cords were used on all the power amps . The results so far have been breathtaking.

The latest system :
Front end : EMM Labs
Front end power cables : Shunyata
Front end to preamp interconnects : Kimber Select KS1030
Preamp : Conrad Johnson Art Series 2
Preamp to power amp interconnects : Kimber Select KS1030
Power amp for mid-hi frequencies : ASL Hurricane with NOS
Mid-hi power amp power cable : Nordost Valhalla
Mid-hi power amp speaker cable : Nordost Valhalla
Power amp for bass : ASL Hurricane with Electro Harmonix
Bass power amp power cable : Shunyata
Bass power amp speaker cable : Kimber Select 3038
Speakers : Acapella High Violons with sub active bass
Equipment rack : Finite Elements Pagode Master Ref
Acapella Fondato Silenzio under speakers , power amps and the front end units .

I am waiting for a second pair of Nordost Valhalla power
cords for the bass amps as well as a second pair of Valhalla speaker cables for the low frequencies to try.

In the meantime , I have to add that the Kimber interconnects were a better match than the Valhalla
interconnects within the context of my system. Also , Shunyata power cords were a better match for the front end.

Once I have the above mentioned Valhallas to try for the bass amps, I will try to give you all an extended account and impressions of the full system which is breaking in and giving me great pleasure beyond expectation.