Speakers you regret selling

I was lucky to own Sonus Faber Extrema, Acoustic Energy AE1 Signature, and Dynaudio Confidence 5 in the past. They are rare in used market and can make any owner happy for the rest of his/her life. So I swore to myself I would never sell my Sonus Faber Amati this time though my wife has heard that a million times. What did you regret selling?
walnut ads L-810-II's with stands- sold them to a friend at work for $300. he painted them black the next day- got quite a bit of paint on the metal grills too. i had a quiet fit by myself when i got home. incredible speakers (separation of instruments) as long as you didn't push them too hard.
later i picked up a pair of ads L-1590's in rosewood- sold those to get b&w 801's. sure the b&w's were great speakers, but @#$%^&*!!! just the same...
rogers studio 7 pair in perfect condition
was talked out of them for $60.00 after finding altec lansing model 15's
Montana KAS's. I traded them in for the WAS's, which I love even more, but I sure wish I could have kept both -- the KAS's in the bedroom would have been sweet overkill. On second thought, I just remembered Sean's comment above and I'm not sure I could afford to build a second system! One is more than enough to keep me busy. Still ... that sure would have been great. Maybe I'll have to find something more compact.