QUAD 21L or 22L opinions please punch them in

Any opinions on these speakers? Anyone with experiences or even better owner of these speakers.
The 21L or 22L only please?
Thank you. Kind of info I am looking for is good and bad things if any, recommended associated equipment, type of sound (laid back or forward) brightness? deep bass? that kind of stuff. Thank you kindly

Thanks Vaystrem,

I'm going for Piano black but unfortunately in I now live in Madrid and maybe transportation could be an issue.

I also got a fairly good deal here in Madrid for the whole set (22L(2)+11L(2)+L Centre) for €2000 (around 1435 sterling).

Many thanks.
looking to replace my NHT ST-4's with 22l's . no local dealer in ohio area to audition. any suggestions please
I just bought a pair of 22L's over 'Gon. I've been playing musical chairs with speakers lately and this is the next in line. I've read too many good things not to try them. There are several good offers on 'Gon too. Mine should arrive in the next couple of days. Currently have a McIntosh MA 6500 and Rotel RCD 1072 cd. Mine will be in the limited yew wood finish, I've heard nothing but positives on these. I'll let you know.
Ok, just got the Quad 22l's a few days ago. Let me say-very impressive! I'm still evaluating but my initial reaction is very positive. Great mids, clear highs and surprising bass. Not overblown, but very tight and fast. Currently driving them with a vintage Tandberg integrated until my new rotel arrives. Beautiful cabinets, maybe the best finish I've yet to see. That includes a custom pair of Meadowlarks I once owned that were over $3,000. These are under $1,000 on 'Gon-maybe the best bang for your $$ out there.
My friend whose system I helped build has the Quad 22L.

Very transparent and open sound - apprent "neutrality"
good tonality
resolution and micro detail
audiophile things like soundstaging and imagaging

Big scale dyanmics
Bass Extension (spec to 30hz, in actuality even 40hz is a stretch in a medium-large room)

I know of no other sub $2,000 speaker with as many good qualities. Transparency is king here