Anyone hear the Von Schweikert DB-99?

Does anyone own or heard this speaker? If so, please give me your impressions.

Also, what are the sonic benefits (if any) in a high efficency speaker over regular efficency?

Hi Jack.

Could you send me a picture of the Ebonys with the supertweeter?

Ksroy, I just sent you the picture of my db's that I hope you'll have better luck posting than I. The pics don't do them justice in reality but they'll give you a glimpse of the finish and supertweeter module. They are a sonic and cosmetic knockout! I'm using a Bel Canto SET 40 with KR Audio 845's and a modified APL/Esoteric DV50 (w/AKM dacs). Also, I had Analysis-Plus re-fit plugs on a pair of Pwr Ovals to fit the 99's and am not using stock cords. Also,, Paul Garner's Verbatum speaker cables are used to wonderful effect.

Hi Jack. Thanks for the picture. I've converted your pdf file to a jpg file. The best I can do is post a link.

DB-99 SE with Super Tweeter Module
As a follow up- after reading all amazing review regarding the 99s I purchased some. AMAZING speaker.


How much of a difference do the super tweeters make?

The supertweeter at 19kHz adds to the upper harmonics of speaker,, the difference of the 99's sounding a bit more open and "airy" than without. As a VSA dealer, having lived with a pair of 99's without the supertweeter for a time, I prefer the addition of the new ribbon speaker module.
And as you know Tony, the 99's can be self-tweeked to add or subtract bass by simply dialing in the low-end using a volume knob located at the rear of the speaker. The 10" magnesium woofs are each pwrd by 300watt amps. It is surprising to me how a recording can sound so different and so much better in terms of overall dynamics with some easy and quick fine tuning. What audiophiles turnover and spend in electronics, accessories and other tweeks to shape the character of the sound around room abberations and marginal recordings may thus be avoided. But, not to be mistaken,, the 99's could be and should be matched with the best equipment you can afford to get the most from them. If it sounds like I'm gushing,,, I'm just all over this VSA model! I had three auditions over the w/e,, one gent was/is a musician. To watch their facial expressions while spinning a few discs was to give me as much pleasure as they experienced during the listening session. You are right Tony, the dB's ARE amazing! Thats the word they used too!

