Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?

Sounds like a new and innovative approach to a speaker design. The big question is, HOW DOES IT SOUND? Some interesting stuff on their website MANGER, but I'm curious to know the impressions of people who have actually heard one...I didn't make it to the CES this year.
Hi Fatparrot,

I have heard the Manger driver sounding GREAT depending upon how it is used within a particular speaker design.


Barry Kohan
"I have heard the Manger driver sounding GREAT depending upon how it is used within a particular speaker design."

YES!! I have also heard the Manger driver sounding mediocre depending upon how it is used within a particular speaker design.

It's a wide-range driver and, depending on the application, it can be used down to 300-200Hz. It has an unusual sound; in some respects it's reminiscent of a ribbon & in others of cones. DIspersion characteritics are also somewhat unusual compared to a conventional cone. People who have tried working with it (N Pass is one of these) have had difficulties in getting the speaker system dispersion pattern right (among other things). The side firing mangers seen in some systems are purportedly there to smooth response from ~2kHz downwards...

I forgot: it's also an expensive driver so, if you're thinking of a diy scheme, check out a discussion at E-speakers sells it in the US and has some specs at the site.