Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?

Sounds like a new and innovative approach to a speaker design. The big question is, HOW DOES IT SOUND? Some interesting stuff on their website MANGER, but I'm curious to know the impressions of people who have actually heard one...I didn't make it to the CES this year.
7 years ago I built an active DSP based Manger system with a custom Scanspeak driver (not the paper one manger uses, yech). And it was righteous. Imagine Sound Labs U-1's with clarity and get the idea.

Manger driver is like a formula one racecar, the average guy can't drive it at all, a really good driver can keep it on the road and only the best can get the best from it.

Being speaker designer isn't enough to make a Manger speaker, and as Pass proved an o.d. on amp experience won't get you over the hump either

Gotta be able to do all three Speaker, Amp and DSP or you're not going to be good enough.

Kudos to Overkill for surpassing all the wannabee failures with the Manger. (70K? I'm still buying a Rocket Chassis 358 WOO late model for that money) Get much prettier girls from the same investment. :)

Manger with DSP is easily one of the ultimate home speakers, with Warner Imaging amplification on my original project and finding the right midbass driver can be brilliant. Sweet lightning.

Shame on me for never building another Manger Project...the allure of Diamond midranges from Accuton are very irresisteable and sucking up all my project money.
D_edwards, I neither understand nor agree with your remark, "Imagine Sound Labs U-1's with clarity and get the idea." Have you ever heard Sound Lab Ultimate-1s? And if so, under what conditions and how long ago? I purchased U-1s several years ago, later to become a Sound Lab dealer, and I can assure you clarity and bass have never been lacking, in fact they are some of the strong points. I suggest anyone who has heard U-1s properly set up would say the same. That is not to say the Manger drivers do not have their merits, but your argument citing U-1s as an example doesn't hold water, in my estimation.
Well EssentialAudio I have to ask based on this comment, cause I am assuming you actually know something technical about audio gear not just brand names.

"That is not to say the Manger drivers do not have their merits"

Like what? What are their "merits"? You should be able to rattle 5-6 things that make the Manger unique.

I cannot write an experience for you but no SoundLab is ever going to win an award for clarity, not with the reverb off the back wall (100% distortion), and when you can get 110db out of your speakers at 30hz call me, cause that is bass output performance commiserate with a $30,000 speaker system in my estimation. Just don't break anything trying, its not that important. :)
D_edwards, can you describe your Manger application -- the speaker part, the dsp part is obvious? BTW, that 10' paper scan is not a bad driver in & of itself.
What did you use?