Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?

Sounds like a new and innovative approach to a speaker design. The big question is, HOW DOES IT SOUND? Some interesting stuff on their website MANGER, but I'm curious to know the impressions of people who have actually heard one...I didn't make it to the CES this year.


Where do people like you hang out?! because it is refreshing to see such insight and understanding, that I must admit that I share, well actually harbor your thoughts.

Its always risky to be so certain, but for all the negativity it will bring you; I couldn't agree more with your comments.
These distortions, unlike simple harmonics, are non-mathematically correlated, and occur in time AFTER the musical signal
Quite so. However, and apparently, these can be modelled -- but only with reference to electromechanical properties in each specific application. Unfortunately, I can't find a ref you may be interested in.

BTW, a simple experiment with very hard cone material coupled to powerful electromagnetic support, may reveal an "overdamping" effect (i.e. relative spl drops faster than projected -- further i.e., what we call "decay" is truncated, becoming "sub-audible" if I may coin the ugly word).

A very interesting viewpoint, Martin.
OK, This is an update on my MANGER adventures.

I've put my money where my mouth is. It will take a number of weeks for me to actually get my hands on the pair I found, but the ball is rolling. I'll post specifics of the construction of test boxes, and choice of vintage piston drivers that may be a good demonstration of "bad cones". Then will follow details on the testing protocol for waveform fidelity. I plan to use an arbitrary waveform generator making music-like percussive impulses. Departures from ideal decay profiles as provided by the generator will be considered distortion that is added by the driver based on available damping factor, modified with series impedance added inline with the drivers. I may try to use several "full range" drivers to avoid loading effects of passive filter networks. Later, I will use this same setup to test for gamma (Bl/Mms(d))requirements in subwoofer drivers.

Stay tuned!
I hope you test on open baffle and measure below or at 30ms.
Of course, without interpolating passive components. Since you're using a generator, limit the bandwidth if necessary.
What a gorgeous thread to join for I´ve been playing my Manger 103 Zerobox for many years now driven by tube amps.
My ears feel content so far, let´s wait and see what the instruments at the svoboda labs will find out.