Best speakers circa 77-79'

I'm putting together a "vintage system" to play my old vinyl, and I wanted to find out some recommendations on speakers. My old set of B&W's died a few years back, and my Yamaha NS-20m's are frankensteined with new parts etc. I was considering JBL 4311's or Infinity (I'm not sure which models are best). Any help?? I'd like to stay in the 1976-1979 range (and also the less than $300 range if possible). My records are mostly pop/rock with some jazz and a little classical. My set-up now is a Yamaha 2020 receiver with a B&O turntable. Thanks so much for any information!!

Beveridge 2SW-1 Electrostatics were reviewed by many publications and were considered by some to be the "best in the world". As a very low production, hand built product, they were not sold in large numbers, but they were a fascinating design, and as it turns out, quite reliable. Mine are still making beautiful music, and they were built in 1978.
mission 770 - have a pair still making music up at my cottage useing a phase linear 300 amp and SAE mk2 pre amp and the very first sony discman as source
klipsch cornwalls were pretty darn cool too. Traded my Heresys for a pair...wish i still had em.
No question the Dahlquist DQ-10's if you want a refined "audiophile" sound. They use the Advent woofer, which was the best thing about Advents, they're time aligned, and they have hands down the best midrange of any speaker from that era. And you can make them much better than they were very simply by replacing the horrendous Motorola tweeter with something newer and smoother, and updating the caps which are easily accessible from the rear.
Plus - they look much cooler than any of the alternatives.