Best speakers circa 77-79'

I'm putting together a "vintage system" to play my old vinyl, and I wanted to find out some recommendations on speakers. My old set of B&W's died a few years back, and my Yamaha NS-20m's are frankensteined with new parts etc. I was considering JBL 4311's or Infinity (I'm not sure which models are best). Any help?? I'd like to stay in the 1976-1979 range (and also the less than $300 range if possible). My records are mostly pop/rock with some jazz and a little classical. My set-up now is a Yamaha 2020 receiver with a B&O turntable. Thanks so much for any information!!

My own fav's were Quad and Spendor BC1; for what they did well (midrange) people put up with what they didn't (deep bass, loud volume).

I also liked DCM Time Window. Vandersteen 2 was probably around and should be viewed as a contender.

However, my musical tastes are different and you might be happier with JBL's and Klipsh's. This is not a put down, just memory of what rock loving friends liked.
Polk Monitor 10B's. I had mine for over 20 years. They're still being used by a friend of mine whom I sold them to. Not bad at all.
AR-9 by Teledyne, inefficient powr hungry beasts but still are good speakers even by todays standards.