Are in-wall speakers worth considering?

We're adding a family room to our house. It would probably be the best room in the house acoustically, but there will be too much going on in there to set up normal speakers properly. Are any in-wall speakers capable of providing decent sound?

The room dimensions will be about 14'W x 17'D x 9' H. The listening couch would be on the long wall, and the speakers would be mounted on the opposite wall (that is, firing across the shorter length of the room) and would have to be almost 10' apart due to placement of doors and windows. The floor will be carpeted. I'm sure I could squeeze a subwoofer into the room.

Thanks for any suggestions!
Even three Niles across the front will sound good, and of course they will never replace a high quality 2 channel system but they some of the best inwalls I have heard and still image better than most stereo demos in shops I have visited. For surround the center channel and the sub are the most important speakers

I also have a 2 channel in a seperate room dedicated room my master bedroom. Inwalls avoid the major battle and you can use the I'll do inwalls if I can have a 103" screen instead of a TV in armoir with 2channel speakers sitting two close to the wall. choice is yours more comment and I'll get off my soap box. I'm assuming you're into audio or you wouldn't be looking for advice on Audiogon. The above posters have excellent suggestions, however it appears that most of them use 'in wall' as background music or as a second system. As you say this new room will be the best acoustic room in the house - utilize it! Regarding your comment about .."to much going on in there", I take that to mean children. I love kids--yet everything today revolves around the kids! If you love audio, the children can be taught to be careful around your equipment. Again, this is all predicated on how much you are into the music. Sorry for the rant. Sincerely,, and good luck!

(Disclaimer: I don't have childern, so maybe I'm wrong in saying they can be taught to respect your equipment :)
Classical1: well put, I'm single also, and I moved my Wilson Watt Puppies 7' out of my main room and into my master bedroom and went with inwall's because you can't control other parents undisciplined kids! My friend's 6 yr old son kept banging on the grill of my WP7 and I quickly asked the parents whom I had already discussed the value and the danger of being around my Class A rated amps, to notice their child. They responded quickly the first time but it became a nightmare for me as they didn't after the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and then I had to go in and address the little young man.... I don't want to tell a parent that their little junior just damaged a driver that is going to cost $500-1000 to replace after crating the speaker up and shipping it back or that the paint job of my speaker is going basically cost as much as ..... you get my point...

Another example would be my ex-girlfriends parents over with their grandson and laughing as this rugrat threw my $400 pronto remote into the air, over the coffee table and almost hit my big screen but luckily it just bounced off the floor (carpet), it has never worked right since... Do I tell them that it will be $250 for a Refurb remote? Then he proceeded to bang on the screen (Thank god I bought the one with the glare screen protector...) This is what happens when you feed your kids coffee, coke, and mcdonalds from the age of 2????? WTF!

The point is you can be a great parent, but you can't COMPLETELY control other parents children! (my friend that has young children had Martin Logans because the kids could hit the drivers, he just worried about them being pushed over) He has since switched to wilson's also but these are in his dedicated office and his children respect them and the tube amp but no other children go into that room.

He was the one that helped me to simplify my once Full range HT (then realized that my high end equipment just revealed the $.02 that the DVD producers spent on the soundtrack... so there wasn't much of a loss to me and certainly not to anybody that visits) I miss it a little until I come to my senses and realized that my 2channel rig rocks because I only have one money pit to tweak!
I recently congratulated my aunt and uncle on having the only children to have not damaged my speaker cones....
Five minutes later while listening to the Graceland album with my uncle his son ran to the front of the room and distorted the left speaker driver with his fist!

I am becoming quite skilled at quick driver replacements. Often times the damage isn't observed until after the guests depart the house - although I've watched the parents of some kids observe the damage firsthand as if nothing abnormal had happened. At this point I am unsure which is less painful to observe. At least with the first hand atrocity I have the option of pointing out the unacceptable behavior.

I hate having to either akwardly inform guests of the value of my system in order to have it respected or the second option of replacing components on a regular basis. I think the first option is brought on by the fact that "expensive" to most of the public is $300 at Best Buy.

If I can train my cat and dog to respect my equipment (and the personal space of my guests), why can't my guests prevent violent outbursts from their kids? My dog even knows not to enter the room with my equipment. If I acted as recklessly as these kids do, I probably would have received a beat down (perhaps overstating it a bit)!
Apology - I didn't realize how off topic my rant was. After the "when kids go bad" I totally forgot that we started with a discussion about in-wall speakers. What if we put the speakers out in the room and built enclosures for the kids in the wall!?