BEST match for B&W Natilus 802s

i am seriously considering buying these speakers solely on the combination with classe amp. for me the combination can sound a bit analytical and too precise. has anyone heard a good amp around classe range with the 802s? please let me know
I run my N802'2 with a Mcintosh 352, and it is fabulous. So musical. Prior to the mc, I was using a Conrad Johnson MF2500, which was ok, but give them some juice and the really come alive.
Classe Amps IMO do not sound analytical , so something sounds strange here. What Classe Amp is it ? B&W.s require lots of juice, many people like bi wire, what CDP are you running, what cables are you using etc.
I always thought Classe sounded laid back if anything, what about some of the Parasound amps?
I agree Rowland and Musical Fidlity sound great with B&W, Classe, BAT, Levinson were not so great.

I know others that disagree about the Classe but to me it was not refined like the MF and Rowland but more of a bold sound.

I am quiet happy with Musical Fidelity and my N803. That said having listened to the Classe' and N802 with an Esoteric DV50 cabeling was all Synergistyc Research. I found the system to be very involving, not clynical at all. There are many things in system synergy the amp being just one of them. A tube pre-amp may be in order or something as simple as a cable change.

Remember to take the system as a whole.
