Kharma Ceramique in a small room ?


My listening space is rather small (about 4x3 meter). I use B&W 805 Signature now, but can get a Kharma C 3.1 at a rather good price. Will these Kharma's fit in my room?

Rest of my system =
-Symphonic Line Kraftwerk 2 int.amp.
-Metronome T1A + Audio Aero Prima DAC;
-Amazon 1 turntable;
-MIT M3 speakercable
-Nirvana SX interlink.

Thanks in advance,

I would say most all speakers have an ideal focal point. That would mean tall speakers with much space between drivers require that you have to sit further back. You might contact a dealer or distributor for more info on this.--
I had a pair of Ceramique 1.0 which I think are bigger. The issue I had was the speakers were about 1.3m out into the room and the chair was about 2.6 m from the speakers. As much as I would like to recommend the Kharma speakers, I do think they are too big for your room. Sorry.
I have had the Kharma 1.0 ( 2 sizes up ) for quite awhile and do feel I know them pretty well. I would say you may be pushing it a bit. I would ask for a home demo if possible. All Kharmas love breathing room and sound there best when allowed to breath...
Hi guys,

I've got the Kharma's since yesterday and they sound fabulous. Maybe a bit full on the low end, but this can be managed. But I agree that in a bigger place they would perform better. Problem is that the local WAF does not allow me to move my system to another place in my livong room... :-(

