Pinnacle BDC 1200

Has anyone out there heard these speakers? If you have what do you think.

Hope they work for you. WAF is more important than perfect sound any day.

Good luck!
Well the Pinnacles are here. The build quality is ok. I would say they are worth every penny I paid for them $500,they retail somewhere between $900 and $1100. I would say in that range there are speakers better, but not much. The binding post are 5 way medium duty, I's used better, that cabinet
is not that solid, but not too flimsy either.

At first things were a bit grainy, and the base was thin. I figure since my equipment was off for
quite some time, I wold give it some time to settle in. after leaving it playing for a few hours
the base and treble improved quite obit. I have not really sat and listened that much as yet, and final placement has not yet been determined.
So far the sound is encouraging, I'll have some fun with these for a little while.

I will post some follow comments later.
They sound great!! The only short coming is in the base area. I played all the recordings that I usually audition speakers with and these speaker performed extremely well.
Due to the size of the drivers, some piano notes, and instruments didn't have all the weight as speakers with larger drivers, but that is to be expected. Other than that the midrange, and treble were excellent! The imaging was excellent!. Speakers I've heard that are better than these are in the 2K and up range. I still have to replace
my amp I'm currently using an old Rotel RB-980, I think I'll get some
improvement from that change. Overall great speakers.
FYI- You should check out the review by one of the well-respected magazines. It was very favorable.

If you ask pinnacle, they would say their platinum line is better SQ and their previous classic gold seriers was better.
Thanks Japosey. I look for a review before I purchased them, and found none. Can you point me to a link?