6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.
The main drivers cover 40 hz to 25 khz and are covered by your main amps. The internal amplifiers power only the sub drivers on the back from 40 hz downward to 16 hz. So, they are atypical powered speakers.

I got the Druids before Srajan and own the same pre as him. His reflections on the Druids are spot-on with my experience and what I've gathered from other owners. Thus, I trust if he traded in my favorite speakers on these, there's a sound reason.

Whether anything can be a value at $9k is a personal choice. Somebody looking to spend $20k might think so. And, coming off $20k speakers, Srajan would be qualified to say.
Opalchip, I agree that live music CAN sound like crap and often does( lots of crappy musicians and sound men out there) but when you mix great musicians with a caring, experienced soundman the results will trump recorded music. Musicians feed off each other as well as the crowd in live sets, you generally don't get that in recordings, as most are recorded track by track, as opposed to one live take. Your drawn into that excitment in live venues, but rarely in recordings, where you concentrate more on imaging, bass, treble, midrange, intamacy etc. Live music never invokes those thoughts with me. Recorded music in a studio is generally quieter as they employ noise reduction, and usually more clinical as you have the luxury of punching in and out mistakes and multi-tracking to make things "fuller", along with a plethora of different mic's at hand if one is not giving the desired results. Rarely though do I get that "rush" of a live performance in recorded music. So when someone claims a piece of gear or certian speakers sound like live music, thats what I think of. My GMA speakers certianly have that quality. I think it's a high honor indeed to have someone say your product sounds like real live music.
But back to the actual Zu's themselves - it'll be interesting to hear them. I'm a fan of full range driver based speakers, I'm just curious as to what the Definition actually does better than a pair of Druids and 2 subs don't do at a lower price point.

Unless your head's at perfect ear-level with center of the two main drivers, and doesn't move from that position, it seems to me that having TWO mains in each box is going to introduce slight phase error that at certain frequencies partially negates the coherency of the full range driver concept. Just food for thought.
Regardless of Srajan's choice of words and the style of his reviews, it does say something special when we know he actually purchased the Zu products. Srajan has reviewed many speakers including Green Mountain Audio's C-3 (their flagship model) and wrote a glowing review, but when it came time to plunk his hard earned money on a pair of speakers he chose Zu's.

What this really tells me over any hyperbola is that the Zu Definitions must be quite remarkable. The question we must face as consumers is whether our taste in audio listening is comporable to Srajan's. If it is, then one would probably find the Definitions to their liking. If not... well...