6 Moons Reviews Zu Cable Definition Speaker

Srajan Ebaen gave the Zu Cable Definition speakers the Blue Moon Award.

For more details on this glowing review follow this link:


He liked the Definition so much he traded in his Druid/Method combo.

Personally, I think Zu is really on to something with their designs and I have put them at the top of my review list. FYI - I have no financial interest in Zu at all... just curious.
Then, he traded that combo for the Definitions. Whether he paid a dime for it is immaterial. Even if he was getting the Def's for free, he still chose them over the Druid/Method.

Mike, I think I understand what you're saying...Srajan preferred the sound of the Definitions, and that's the bottom line. However, whether "he paid a dime" for them is absolutely material. Wouldn't paying nothing for the upgrade make it easier for you to make the jump to the Definitions? Of course it would. This would be material to your decision, regardless of whether you peferred the sound of the more expensive speaker. Before someone jumps on me for suggesting Srajan didn't pay anything for the upgrade to the Definitions, let me emphasize that my comment was an exaggeration to make a point.

I also agree with everything you stated about Srajan attempting to downsize his rig to a more affordable pricing model. No question there. I just think folks need to be aware that he changes his mind (look at how many people were prompted to buy the Druids based on his review), and it's easier, and less expensive, for him to swap components than it is for the common audiophile.

Imagine a scenario in which you buy the Definition after finally saving enough dough, only to read in the next issue of 6Moons that Srajan has found a new favorite loudspeaker? It could happen, yes? So, the cautionary tale is simply to do your due diligence before blindly following.

I'm sure you have, Mike, but others might not.
Is it fair to say that I detect a note of cynism and skepticism out there in audioland? Sounds like a lot of hair splitting and over analysis to me. Perhaps one should listen to the speakers and judge for oneself.

All things being equal, here are the facts:

1. Srajan has the opportunity to listen to a wide array of speaker products at various price points across the audio spectrum.

2. Srajan has some knowledge of acoutistical/electric engineering. To what degree I don't know.

3. Reviews by customers of both GMA and Zu speakers on the web have been very positive and enthusiastic.

4. Srajan has reviewed both GMA and Zu speakers.

5. Srajan owned a pair of $20K (retail) Avantegarde Duo's as his reference speakers. He also owned a model by Triangle.

6. He now owns Zu Cable Definitions.

7. 1+1 = 2

You do the math, connect the dots and figure it out for yourself.
Sure! I'm a leaper though. Sometimes it pays, big. It did when I sent my dough off to Zu for the Druids, having never heard one of their speakers, and everything I've had from Modwright, and Red Wine Audio's stuff, and when I sent Srajan a few long e-mails about the Druids, which partially prompted him to make the same leap by ordering the speakers for himself. Yep, I had 'em first.

The caution is well-founded though. A cool breeze on a warm day magnifies the pleasure of the sun. Keeping a balanced perspective is invaluable. I be sunshine, you be coo' breeze!
You do the math, connect the dots and figure it out for yourself.

That's all I'm saying, too.

I'm looking forward to hearing the Zu products in LA next week.
While it does seem that Srajan's reference gear changes on a somewhat frequent basis, he's usually pretty upfront about his motivations and desires.

I've had my Druids (they were Runes until I had them upgraded back in April) for almost two years and have been very pleased. Srajan's review of the Druids also closely matches my experience. Whether he paid full retail or not doesn't really have much meaning for me. If I were a reviewer, I would expect manufacturers who want their stuff reviewed to ship it to me free of charge. In the case of the Definitions that Srajan bought, he clearly states that the deal was done at the end of the review (unless he's a completely dishonest lout), and that he told Sean Casey (co-proprietor of Zu) to bill him the difference between the Definitions and what he had paid for the Druids and Method sub.

In his review of the Druids, he indicates that he purchased them from Zu and many here have assumed that he didn't have to pay full price. There's no evidence that he contacted Zu to advise them beforehand that he was purchasing them in order to review them, so how can we categorically state that he must have got a deal? I got a deal when I returned my Runes for the Druid upgrade, but only because it took them longer to get the work done than had been estimated and the fact that the people at Zu are EXCELLENT in the customer relations department.

As a result, I'm inclined to say that it appears that Srajan may have bought the Druids at retail ($2,800), and there's a good chance he bought the Method sub ($2,500) in the same way, for a total outlay of $5,300 (plus shipping). The Definitions are $9,000 retail and if we accept that Srajan was invoiced for a difference between the Druid+Method combo and the Definitions, even at accommodation pricing, it would surely have been for much more than the $200 to $800 suggested above.

Accommodation pricing may be one of the necessary evils in the world of hi-end audio reviewing to get the exposure for equipment that might never see the light of day otherwise. As long as such deals are concluded after a review has been conducted, I don't see much of a problem.

My 2 cents...