Wilson Sophia

I have been looking at stepping up from my B&W 704s and heard the 802Ds, the Naut 802s and the Wilson Sophias. I was all set to spend the 4500 on a pair of used 802s but then I heard the Wilsons. All I can say is that the Wilsons absolutely spoke to me. My problem is that this is a huge investment for me and I think that I must be crazy to even be thinking about this purchase. Even more so, because I live in an apartment building and cannot "crank up" my system to massive volume levels.

My question is-am I going to be able to truly appreciate these speakers with my McIntosh MA 6500 integrated and my Lector CD player? There is not going to be any money in my budget to even consider other changes for a long time. Wilson's were set up with mid level Naim gear.

Are there any risks with buying the units off the floor if I can get a deal?

As always thanks for your input.

Before you go ahead and spend over 10K on the Sophia, try listening to speakers for in line with your original price range that has excellent low level retrieval. I would recommend Merlins, Hyperion 938s, or VS VR4jrs. Both the Merlins and Hyperions are supreme for getting low level information. Merlins are slim and very attractive. The 938s larger/heavier but better bass extension and slam. I can only recommend the VR4jrs with DK VS1 integrated, as this combo is the best VR4jrs I've heard. I have heard the W/P in so many incarnations including it's latest, and the Hyperions have them beat to my ears. I don't know about the Sophias, but most think the W/P are better.
I think the Sophias are better than the W/P, including version 7. At least- I like them better.
Thanks everyone for your input thus far! We will make a decision shortly and will keep you posted...
So many opinions. The WP7s have resistors that will blow before any drivers can be blown. I assume the Sophia are the same. Don't worry about buying a demo. It is all speaker amp combination in the end. The VR4jr is a must audition & the VR4 Sr is also, if you want Wilson Type sound on the less expensive end. $4000 & $8000 a pair respectively if I remember right. I own WP7s & love them. The VR4 Jrs are great & very enjoyable for a lot less money. The Sophia is very close to the WP7 in many areas but misses the bass & the adjustability of the WP7.

Anyone mentioning the Sophia being better than the WP7 hasn't listened to them correctly setup.

IMHO Wilsons do sound better than B&W. That is what I owned (801Ns) before. B&W must play loud. They do sound great at very very loud volumes (no strain etc,). The WP7s also sound great, & don't need to play as loud as the B&W to get the same detail. B&W are shy detail unless played loud. WP7s have detail at all volumes. They also have better bass detail & speed.

Just wanted to bring some people in line here & give you a chance to save some money if it is a big issue.
A used pair of Von Schweikert VR4 GenIII HSE for $3800 is an excellent alternative, and will surpass the VR4Jr in all areas. I'm not sure how they would compare to the VR4Sr, but I'll bet they'd be darn close...and at less than half the cost.