Wilson Sophia

I have been looking at stepping up from my B&W 704s and heard the 802Ds, the Naut 802s and the Wilson Sophias. I was all set to spend the 4500 on a pair of used 802s but then I heard the Wilsons. All I can say is that the Wilsons absolutely spoke to me. My problem is that this is a huge investment for me and I think that I must be crazy to even be thinking about this purchase. Even more so, because I live in an apartment building and cannot "crank up" my system to massive volume levels.

My question is-am I going to be able to truly appreciate these speakers with my McIntosh MA 6500 integrated and my Lector CD player? There is not going to be any money in my budget to even consider other changes for a long time. Wilson's were set up with mid level Naim gear.

Are there any risks with buying the units off the floor if I can get a deal?

As always thanks for your input.

Well the 2's got here. They have damage. It appears(or looks like) a skill saw cut to the crate. Dead straight, vertical, 3 or 4 inches long and 1/4 ,wide.(i.e.,a slot,like a ballot box) This cut left splinters on the inner side. A splinter nicked the finish--down to the white,under the piano black. Although this nick is only an inch long it is enough to depress one. Without the crate one might never figure how this happened.
Sound wise, new speakers always suck;I expected that part;not the other part.
Couldn't you just put some black laquer (like from the hardware shop or a paint store) in the ding and forget about it?
yes,I thought I wanted sophias but found that I liked 802ds more! It was a hard choice for me,as i found myself at a different store than my old stand by for the last 30 years! I consider the guys at my old store to be top shelf, however, they tried and failed to out preform the 802ds with the wilson sofias. The 802s seemed a little bright at first, but now have 300+hrs on them and they sound better than I could haved hoped.
Thanks to having a nice dealer.---They are closed today but Brooks left me a message and I should have no problems. I've dealt with him for years;but---I never had anything like this happen.
A nick like this that is below the surface would look like a patch job,no matter how hard you would try--- Unless you brought the speakers and left them for several weeks, They are just to beautiful for a patch job.>> Druffcorn: The TAS review of the 802's (Issue 117) was a masterpiece. It taught me a lot about speakers and ins and outs of bass. I never heard these speakers but just from the review my mouth was wattering.---So, I find it easy to see someone would prefer this speaker.At 'this' level/price-point;there are many great speakers and we get to pick and choose.
" At 'this' level/price-point;there are many great speakers and we get to pick and choose."

Yeah, like the Merlins :)

Just pulling your leg.

I can appreciate your disappontment in receiving your brand new speakers and there is some damage on them. It is good that you bought them from a dealer that you know well and can work with you. Someone taking what looks like a skill saw to the crate before or after the speakers were inside it would make me upset with the shipping department at Wilson, unless, of course, this happened at some point during shipping.

Merry Christmas.
