Speaker upgrade

Looking for advice on new speakers for use in a 18' x 30' room. Listen to female vocals, classic rock. Current system includes newly acquired Mac 501 mono blocks, Musical Fidelity 308 CD player and 308 preamp. Speakers are Thiel 2.3. Cables are Harmonic Tech.

Anyone heard the VonSchwiekert VR4 SR, also looking forward to the Thiel 3.7's. Looking for more bass and room filling impact without boom. Appreciate your input.
I have seen two pairs of proac 3.8 on sale on this site.
I have the responce twos and they make magic. Heard other proacs and they also sounded wonderful. You don't have to buy a brand new speaker if an older model just gets it right.
Well, I got those babies hooked up. Weigh a ton, but look nice. My immediate impression, (of course at loud levels the bass is "simply marvelous.") is how much more texture there is in listening at moderate to very low levels. This is going to be fun. Bigger, in my case, is definately better. My wife thinks so too...lol :-)