Good Bass Floorstander under 1K

I'm looking for recommendations for floorstanders with good bass.

I've considered,Onix Rocket 550-ugly colors, Meadowlark E Series-never heard anything about them,company defunct,Bohlender Z7-don't think they'd have enough bass, Tyler F3-front port not covered.

Any other too look at?
Soliloquy 5.3's do bass very well indeed. Easy to drive at 90db efficiency. Wonderful sounding and easy to mate with tubes or SS in my experience. Relatively inexpensive for what you are getting. Solid, beautiful construction to boot, and 80 lbs per speaker. There are a few reviews online with Sterophile and Audiophilia. Should be able to find a used pair for $800-1000 depending on condition, BUT, beware: Shipping of these will be expensive. The factory packing is not adequate IMO for ground shippers unless double boxed with additional padding. They are originally shipped by truck shrink-wrapped to a pallet. Bottom line, find a local pair, or make sure they are adequately boxed. Their other speakers are also quite good, but more expensive as far as the floorstanders go. They are an outright bargain at the used prices. Some dealers seem to have remainders and closeouts as well what's left of the new ones.

There's a couple opf pairs of PSB Stratus Gold i's available now for $900 - great bass, great speaker.
Gold i is a great rec. You may also be able to pickup Paradigm Studio 100v2's at about 1K - those should fit the bill.
Totem Arro cost a little more at msrp but the quality of the bass is superior, and the overall sound quality is phenomenal. Give them some serious consideration.

There are also a lot of smaller speakers that can put out a surprising amount of bass, and in your price range you'd get a LOT more sound quality because more money can be put into the drivers and crossovers instead of cutting corners there to pay for the extra woodwork. Spendor S3/5, Totem Rainmaker, Epos M12.2 are all great speakers that will change your opinion of what a small speaker can do...
If full bass is really important, I support the PSB Gold recommendations... their bass was realy impressive when I auditioned them-although I chose different speakers in the end.