Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?

Hi - any Gallo Ref 3 users out there driving the secondary voice coil with a solid state amplifier other than the Gallo sub amp? The manual says you can use any 100WPC + amplifier that is stable into 4 ohms as long as a crossover (60 Hz or lower) is used.

I am driving my Gallos with tubes (with great results), and I don't have a "sub out" on my integrated. I was thinking about using a Rotel RB-1080 (200 WPC) to drive the secondary coil, and putting a crossover on the interconnect (like one of those little FMOD units). Just wondering whether someone had tried something similar...

What kind of tube amp are you using? I am going to play with my SET amp when it arrives, but don't know if 7 watts will be enough...

I'll be using it with the Gallo SA amp --I'm signed up for one as soon as they arrive from my dealer (supposedly, they're on the water and due in soon).

With the SA, I'll have 3 amps to play with:
MacCormack DNA 0.5 Platinum (from SMC audio)
Dared VP 300B SET

I have seen people use other Xovers and/or low pass filters and all have had success.
Hi Bgrazman - thanks for the response. I am using an Onix / Melody SP3, which is 38 WPC. It can shake the walls, but knowing that I can get another 10 Hz of extension makes me want to try a secondary solid state amplifier.

Do you mind me asking where you have seen others use filters/crossovers? I did some searching before the initial post, but came up with nothing.

I used 2 spare channels on a multichannel amp and used an Outlaw Audio ICBM cross over set to 40hz. It worked fine.