Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?

Hi - any Gallo Ref 3 users out there driving the secondary voice coil with a solid state amplifier other than the Gallo sub amp? The manual says you can use any 100WPC + amplifier that is stable into 4 ohms as long as a crossover (60 Hz or lower) is used.

I am driving my Gallos with tubes (with great results), and I don't have a "sub out" on my integrated. I was thinking about using a Rotel RB-1080 (200 WPC) to drive the secondary coil, and putting a crossover on the interconnect (like one of those little FMOD units). Just wondering whether someone had tried something similar...
Hi Bgrazman - thanks for the response. I am using an Onix / Melody SP3, which is 38 WPC. It can shake the walls, but knowing that I can get another 10 Hz of extension makes me want to try a secondary solid state amplifier.

Do you mind me asking where you have seen others use filters/crossovers? I did some searching before the initial post, but came up with nothing.

I used 2 spare channels on a multichannel amp and used an Outlaw Audio ICBM cross over set to 40hz. It worked fine.
I gave up waiting for the Gallo amp and ordered a Hsu 500A (500w) subwoofer
amp with a 43 Hz crossover module. I had a 30-day moneyback period to
decide, and really like the thing. It's a SERIOUS amp and an ideal match for the
Ref 3s, which I'm driving with 12 wpc SET monoblocks (845 output tubes). The
500A costs $749 direct from Hsu, approx. $200 less than the Gallo sub amp.

Originally, I was using a Fosgate Audionics 100wpc amp with a Hsu electronic
crossover on the second voice coils, but this setup didn't have nearly the
authority of the 500-watter. Good luck, Dave

PS You need to break in those second voice coils just like the rest of the
speakers . Play 'em loud and hard.

I can't find the threads, but I'm sure it was here.

I'll keep looking


How hard do you have to push your 845's? (the amp I have coming is based on the 300b tubes).

My SET monoblocks (845 outputs, EL34 drivers. 6N7G inputs) designed and built by a friend, have huge trannies and the 12w output is conservative. They never run out of steam but are rolled off at the bottom so that they don't have to waste power trying to drive that last octave. That's what the sub amp is for.

All you can do is try yours and see if they have enough oomph. Certainly the Ref 3s love tubes. Good luck, Dave