Short floorstanders?

Briefly, my friend is looking to replace his Linn Keilidh's for a music/HT system. He figures that 36" is about all he can handle before they will interfere with the screen. For music (the main concern) they will be matched to a Cary SLI-80 and Sony 999ES.
The only thing we've come across is the Totem Forests, but at over $4000cdn + tax new and the scarcity of them used we're looking for other suggestions. Any ideas in the $2k-$3k(usd) used is the target. His music tastes are mainly rock and jazz (eg. Macy Gray and Holly Cole).
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again all.
>For music (the main concern)<

If music were really the main concern, he wouldn't put such constraints on what speakers he can buy. And he wouldn't have that damn screen in between the speakers in the first place.

>For music (the main concern)<
Got up on the wrong side of the bed? I just meant that music is the main use and secondly as HT. The screen is a pull-down type for a projector, and I'm sure he'd have a dedicated room if that was possible.
Also, by scarcity I meant that they don't appear that often and very rarely in Canada, not in reference to the price.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will start researching them.
castle has two impresive floorstanders that will compete with the totems and cost less. tonally accurate and the furniture is second to none- they build the furniture for proac and others