Moon I-3 and Totem Forest?

I would like to buy the Totem Forest and the Simaudio Moon I-3 100w. Do you think that the I-3 have enough power to drive the Forest?
Mani_canadian: you're right in that the i-5 would sound better. I've been thinking about this alot and trying to remember my initial impressions on both amps with the forests. The i-5 is a much better sounding amp. I think the i-3 challenged the Forests better on the low-end, and the extra juice helped bring some life in the low-end which the forests aren't known for, and that probably excited me. The i-3 did,however give way in the midrange, and the i-5 clobbers it in that respect, which is what I like so much about the forests anyway. Thanks for reminding me of that.

I finaly bought the Forest and the I-3 and it will be break in two weeks but it sound verry good now. A lot of bass and mid but i find the high is noisy. Maybe it's because the breaking time is not over. I will make a final answer in a cuple of weeks.
I have found that a thin and irritating high end the most common attribute to new equipment. Give them a few weeks and I bet things smooth out.
I asked Simaudio how long it really take for the breaking. I asked is it 6 weeks open or 6 weeks of playing. He is answer me that is 6 weeks of playing. But i dont know if it's 24 hours by day. Now i let play it 10 to 12 hours by day and i don't know if it's enough. What do you think?
If you can just leave it running 24/7. You don't need to have the sound coming out of your totems, just so long as there's a signal coming in, that should do the trick