recomending power to speakers

I currently have a pair of thiel 1.5. I am also currently using a audio research d-60 amplifier for them rated at 60 watts / channel @ 8 ohms.

I see that in my speaker manuals the speakers are rated at 4 ohms (3 ohms min) Would this make my amplifier closer to 100 watts at 4 ohms?

Also, I do have the upgrade bug and realize my amplifier is the weakest link. What do you guys recommend as far as power linked to Thiel 1.5's I have tried them with tube amplifiers with terrible results.

Thank you,
If the d-60 is tubed, then going to 4 ohms won't increase the power. You just have to switch to the 4 ohm taps.

Thiels, even though they are great, are not tube friendly and love lots of power. I wouldn't go with less than 100wpc. Keep in mind that you can't hurt these speakers with too much power but can kill them and your ears with too little power-distortion......

Need more info on your system and tastes to recommend a specific amp.
I have classe 20 pre, sony dvp s7700, music hall mmf5 TT, MIT T2 speaker cable, The Music Cable (best cable yet) IC's

I enjoy female vocals, rock, jazz... pretty much everything but heavy metal and classical...

Thank you,

much appreciated...