Amp for Dynaudio 1.3SE

Am looking for a powerful warm amp to pair with my
Dynaudio 1.3SE.
My listening room is very small and my current pure class A
amp does not control the bass well enough.
When purchased these speakers,auditioned them with MF Tri-Vista and they sounded great - speed,dynamics and tubelike warmth as well.
MF Tri Vista is my first choice therefore.
Any other suggestions please.
Thank you
You might want to have a look at the Simaudio line of amps as they seem to be paired with Dynaudio speakers by the manufacturers at audio shows.

Simaudio News,

02/18/2004 - Simaudio will be exhibiting at the annual "Festival Son & Image" show from Friday April 2 through Sunday April 4, 2004. You can find us in room 307 at the Delta Hotel (475 President Kennedy St., Montreal, Quebec) where we'll be actively demonstrating the
new MOON Limited Edition Series in conjunction with loudspeaker manufacturer Dynaudio.

"Festival Son & Image" s
I auditioned the Dyn 1.3SE on some McIntosh 1201 monoblocks. The sound was really good.But .oh..ummmm not sure you want to spend $16,000. They go used for around $8000 LOL. Seriously the Macs sounded like a good match .I'm sure a less powerful/expensive version would be great.

Good hunting!
i am currently using the sim i3 with my 1.3se,s,lots of grip from this little amp,would like the i7 or even try the i5.the sim does sound good with the dyns,is the i3 the biggest baddest amp?it sure gives me enough of what sim has to offer for now,good luck!
Use Krell FPB-200c's go pretty cheap these days and are a nice match for the Dyn's.
Before I sold my 1.3SE I did a demo with a MF (don't remember the model), but it was rated at @150 WPC and also a Sim Audio W5. The Moon W5 sounded better to me. In my opinion it wasn't even close. I remember being impressed with how well it presented the soundstage-when listening to a quartet it separted each individual performer so well and the timbre of the instruments was more accurate. Also you seen them on Audiogon and at used price they would be a great match witht the Dyns.. again, just my opinion- A lot of people here also like Plinius with Dynaudio, but I was not able to hear that combo.. good luck!