Klipschorn: Still relevant??

I'm interested in stirring the pot which is my current system. Please see my system for more details but, in summary, I'm conteplating moving from a Cary beam power/triode & Von Schweikert VR4JR based system to a SET/Klipschorn system.

In general, would you consider the move to be "better" or just different. Or worse?? Better being defined as higher fidelity for most types of acoustic music.

Really curious. Your opinion matters! I have to buy most of my equipment without hearing it and have to rely on reputations, opinions, reviews, etc.

hi Rod 1957,

Yes you heard me right. Check out the Klipisch two channel forum and do a search on the Cornwall III's. They are planning to bring them back on the market and have a prototype. They are still tweeking them for the best overall sound. Probably a few months before relase and the selling price is not set yet.

In lew of that put a post on the forum that your are looking for a clean set of Cornwalls, I got mine that way for $850.00, a 1979 set, and I love them.

good listening,


What were you running the Klipsch with? That's the funny thing about this hobby, I did the same thing
( became dissatisfied with most other speakers I had
from Green Mountain C-3's to Vienna to VMPS to..etc
...etc...etc... too damn many to count.
It all depends on your taste and system. I will say
BS to anyone who thinks system matching & setup is not
I have "waisted" thousands upon thousands of $$ going
for the latest & greatest BS. Funny how you can have
friends & family hardly EVER comment on something but
will be nice just not to hurt feelings. Then you get
something like the Klipsch and everyone comments on how
it is the best the system has ever sounded. Hmmm who is right and who is wrong. I have been guilty big time of
getting initally carried away with a new speaker (or amp,
or whatever)only to become tired of it soon.
Point being, I spent $500 dollars (chump change) and have
better sound than my last 20 pair of speakers.
Nothing yet has beat my Wisdom D75 Dipoles yet though.

Bottom line...listen to anything before you buy if you can
but don't get to caught up in this because I know first hand
how much mark up there is on "some" of this stuff and it
would make you sick.

As most everyone agrees on...trust "only" your ears!
hi Telescope_Trade,

Your handle can only mean, I think, that your are in some way interested in telescopes. So am I, particularly in asto imaging. See my web site with images taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 250 and a SBIG ST10XME


good listening,

H Larry,

Cool, I too had the Mewlon 250 on a EM 200 mount, sweet
scope! I'll check out the site thanks!

Klipschorns were the first truely great speaker I ever heard. Over many years and listening to many very good speaker systems, in my mind at least, they still rank very high as some of the best I've ever heard. My on going test for any speaker, does it sound like music, or simply music coming from a box. There is music in the mighty Klipschorn.