Klipschorn: Still relevant??

I'm interested in stirring the pot which is my current system. Please see my system for more details but, in summary, I'm conteplating moving from a Cary beam power/triode & Von Schweikert VR4JR based system to a SET/Klipschorn system.

In general, would you consider the move to be "better" or just different. Or worse?? Better being defined as higher fidelity for most types of acoustic music.

Really curious. Your opinion matters! I have to buy most of my equipment without hearing it and have to rely on reputations, opinions, reviews, etc.

To BigJoe,

I understand what you are saying. And what you AND I
are saying is the same ole merrygoround crap that happens
on every thread like this. Everyone loves what they have
even for a little while, but while I have spent thousands
upon thousands on all the latest keep up with the Jones's
type of HYPE, I am amazed at picking up a $500 pair of
speakers that sound more like music than most anything
I have owned, I am happy as hell!
NO, it won't be for everyone but compared to just the
VS4JR's he has, I think he may stand a great chance of liking the Klipsch better. Maybe not, I do not know as I never have heard them, but if they are not in a totally
different league than the VR2's I owned, the VS could be in
serious trouble IMO.
I mean I was unhappy with my Green Mountain C-3's
after a short while, and tried like hell to get them to
sound good in my big room, but couldn't. I did not make
excuses, I just don't think they were that good and sold
them. That's just my opinion. But I would not trade
my Klipsch for a BN pair of them or a ton of other
high$$ speakers I just owned. (unless just to resell)
His original question was just wondering if he could
"potentially" like the Khorn system better. I just happen
to think he might that is all.

Take care,
I just wanted everyone to know I appreciate the passionate responses and am digesting them all thoroughly.

RE: Klipsch there is always a lot a c**p slung around, at least on this forum. The folks who like them say so, usually in a nice way. The folks who have tried them and don't say so, usually in a nice way. A lot of folks who have not heard them or owned them bash them for some reason beyond my understanding.

If your curious, try them. Buy them used and ypu can't lose any bucks.

For other opinions look and do a search on Khorns in the Klipsch 2 Channel forum or the audio asylum SET and High Efficiency speakers forum.

good listening


BTW there a lot of easy inexpensive tweeks you can do on Khorns such as getting new crossovers and rope calking the tweeter or squaker horns to mellow them a little bit if that's your inclination. The formus have a lot of how to information on to do the tweeks and where to buy the crossovers(around 200.00. If you ever have a problem with a driver in used Khorns, Klipsch still makes and sells replacemant drivers.

How many people are going to replace their speakers with Klipschorn?

That's what I thought.