speaker advice' help needed

Anyone out there have any recommendations on speakers (new or used, $500-$1000) to match with this experiment I'm putting together:
Jolida 502B integrated amp
arcam 73 CD
RS-Audio interconnects
(Sugg on speaker wire too?)

Mucical tastes: mostly classical with emphisis on large orchestra; blues; instrumental

Thanks so much
I like both the Cains and the new Omegas but you don't get that full fledged Orchestral sound as much with these fostex style full range drivers. The Cains even though they are much larger aren't as full sounding to me. You don't need even 35wpc for either of them. The Omegas sound big with single digit SETs. Try the new small model you will be amazed. Great tonal balance. I don't know the arcam very well.
I'm running a Jolida JD-302B with a pair of PSB Stratus Silvers with nice results...speaker cable...I playing with some 10 ga stuff from Raymond cable with great results as well!!
vandersteen is a very good match with the jolida. you could get a used pair of 2ce's (maybe even signatures) for ~$1000. the combo would be great for orchestral music (i'm a big classical music listener myself).

i've used gma europa's with a 502a, and had excellent results as well.

currently, i am using dali suite speakers. a pair of suite 2.8's just came up for sale at $795, and i would imagine they would sound stunning with the jolida. for large scale classical music, i think that you would be better served by speakers that are closer to full-range, like the vandy's or dali's.

that's a nice setup of gear you have there... lots of good speaker options in your price range. you should be able to come up with a system that sounds far better then the price would suggest.