Do people don't care or don't know?

I am told that that audiophiles like us are a dying breed but after occasionally having my non-audiophiles friends coming over my place, without exception all of them were very impressed and all wanted to have a system like mine. But the financial burden and spousal disapproval are what usually hold them back from the purchase. One evening a friend of mine told me that after having listen to a supposedly 70K system, he wanted to cry because the music and sound really touched his heart.

So I guess most people are just not awared of what a good system should sound like and are deprived of some good music.

Every audiophile does have one! It is just composed of different manufacturers, different models and years in different combinations. With the option to change as perfection changes! SIMPLE?!

Since I'm stuck with one of those modern rooms with wallboard, windows, hardwood floor, etc, what is it that you are suggesting be done? It's our living room, so it is NOT going to be stuffed full of bass traps. A rug covers about half the floor, there's a chair and a couch. A few Eighth Nerve products in the corners knocked down the "tizziness." I've tried a couple of Real Traps MondoTraps; they're large and not conducive to domestic harmony.

Practical suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for reinforcing the thoughts of my post. If you look at's post you will see what I was talking about. Thanks again.
My response, people don't care. I've had countless guests, relatives, friends and the like and they all had their jaws drop to the ground when they hear my system. They're all amazed with the clarity, soundstaging, presence and they all asked where I hid the center channel. I am gratified when they ask me to spin more albums and they sit there grinning in disbelief (I have a turntable). But I'm thoroughly disappointed when nobody asks where, what and how they can assemble a system like mine. Mind you, most of these people can afford a 10K-30K system. But, like I said, they just don't care. Recently one of my Uncles, after hearing my system, bought a Bose Acoustic Wave the very next day. He said he just couldn't get enough "good sound" after hearing my system. At last, I touched someone's audiophile side. I just need to pretend that I am not disappointed that he spent $1500 on a Bose Acoustic Wave.
there are so many hobbies to pursue that people select whatever suits their fancy.
For all we know, right now, there could be somebody lamenting, like you, on a wood-working hobby forum saying that hobbist wood-workers are a dying breed & that people just don't care about "good" looking furniture & are just as happy buying Ikea RTA furniture!
Guess what? in their "world" they'd be correct!
So, where do you start "fixing" such issues (given that one even needs to)?
Re. the friends that come over to your house - what are their hobbies? Do you have any interest in any 1 or more of them?
if the answer is "no", think/reflect about that!
You chose a hobby that gets your jellies going; they resp chose one that gets their jellies going. In this particular re. hi quality sound is not of high priority. However, you guys are friends 'cuz there are several things that are common to all of you. Walk together on those common items & walk separately on the others.