Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs

After 11 years with my Thiel CS22 floorstanders, I’m ready to make a change and have decided to try out some mini monitors because of room size 15’x17’x7.5’ and the fact that I have a REL Stadium III to take care of the low end. I’ve narrowed my search down to two brands, Dynaudio and JM Labs. I’m looking at the Micro Utopia Be and either to the three Dynaudio models, Confidence C1, Special 25, or Contour 1.3SE.

I listen to pretty much all types of music but the majority being Jazz, Rock, and Alternative. One thing about the Thiel’s that I have always had a difficult time dealing with was that the listening position was extremely critical. The way that I have my speakers positioned, only one person at a time could truly enjoy the music from my Thiel’s. I’m hoping that I can improve my predicament with the speakers listed above as well as moving a step up in the quest for the absolute sound. I believe I have plenty of power to drive any of the speaker listed. A list of my associated equipment is listed “my system”.

Please, your recommendations or comments are welcome if you have compared or owned any speakers listed above.
After looking at your system, I would strongly suggest you also consider the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors. They would compliment your system nicely and are in the same price range as the Dyns and the JMS.

My Micros are 9 ft apart and I sit about 8 ft away. The sweet spot is about 2-3 ft across, but it might be wider if I didn't toe in my speakers as much. I toe them in so that they're pointing almost right at me to help minimize side wall reflections as my room is pretty small and I have few domestically acceptable placement options. If the toe in were less severe or if the speakers even fired straight ahead I think the the sweet spot could accomodate two people easily.
For that kind of music you like, the best is a big JBL professional studiomonitor with 12 inch woofers. You get dynamics, speed and midrange you would never get any of these speakers you listed. They are ugly, but also relatively cheap. Just try one. I have heard it compated to the thiel 2.4 without a sub on this type of music, and the difference was huge. With the JBL you really almost like on a live concert.
I auditioned many standmounts including Dyn S25, Dyn S1.4, JM Lab Micro Utopia Be, B&W 805 Sig, Sonus faber Cremona auditor, and some more I can't remember. I bought the Dyn S1.4. Dynaudio had the dynamics and the detail that enabled me to get involved in the music.
Thank you to all those who have responded so far. As the responses indicate, all listed are obviously very good speakers. If I didn't have a sub, I'd probably lean toward a Dynaudio. That Utopia tweeter is intriguing and I think it could solve my issue of not having a broader sweet spot. As Davt noted, I'd love to hear from someone who's auditioned or owns Confidence C1's. It figures that I'm also leaning toward the most expensive choice.