Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs

After 11 years with my Thiel CS22 floorstanders, I’m ready to make a change and have decided to try out some mini monitors because of room size 15’x17’x7.5’ and the fact that I have a REL Stadium III to take care of the low end. I’ve narrowed my search down to two brands, Dynaudio and JM Labs. I’m looking at the Micro Utopia Be and either to the three Dynaudio models, Confidence C1, Special 25, or Contour 1.3SE.

I listen to pretty much all types of music but the majority being Jazz, Rock, and Alternative. One thing about the Thiel’s that I have always had a difficult time dealing with was that the listening position was extremely critical. The way that I have my speakers positioned, only one person at a time could truly enjoy the music from my Thiel’s. I’m hoping that I can improve my predicament with the speakers listed above as well as moving a step up in the quest for the absolute sound. I believe I have plenty of power to drive any of the speaker listed. A list of my associated equipment is listed “my system”.

Please, your recommendations or comments are welcome if you have compared or owned any speakers listed above.
Both great speakers, but the Micro Utopias have to have the vote, they are from memory, more expensive, so they should be better. Dynaudio are a funny company, in that some speakers are good, others awful. For example, I liked the 1.3 standmounts a lot, the 1.8 floorstander sounded awful to me, lumpy, slow base. They are both good companies, but JM labs are special
"they are from memory, more expensive, so they should be better"

Is that a joke?

Islandflyfisher - I use a Velodyne DD15 with my Dynaudio standmounts for near reference-quality bass. I high-pass the dyns for a great integration. Regarding tweeters - the JM Labs Be tweeter IS a good tweeter - but it is not anything so special to set it apart from its competition. IMHO the whole "berillium" craze is more a marketing move than anything. The Esotar tweeter in the Dyn S25 and C1 is one of the best tweeters in high-end audio, and the Esotec in the S1.4 and 1.3SE is very similar sounding to it. I personally thing the Esotar is a better tweeter than the JM Lab Be tweeter. I found it more open and less forward. So my point is - I wouldn't assume that the Be tweeter is "better" than the esotar because of the hype surrounding it. You very well may prefer it, but an audition is required to know.
I think the Micro Utopia's a wonderful speaker, I may have sounded a little harsh on my previous post, I just wish they had a little more bass extention and then they would be perfect. I would try to avoid the idea that a more expensive speaker must be better since it is more expensive. The number one very worst speaker I ever heard was $65,000. I think that there is a lot of very good, well designed audio equipment out there and a lot that is a jumble of expensive parts that ends up expensive and sounding horrible.
I think everyone can agree that all these speakers sound great and are past the point of diminishing marginal returns, where that extra 5k will get a marked improvement in sound. I bet if you gathered them all together and played a variety of music you would like each one the best at different times. That said, if it were up to me, I'd eliminate the C1 and JM's just based on looks and price. I preffer the more traditional look of the 1.3 and special 25. Of these I'd probably go with the 1.3 since you are using a sub and won't need the 25's extra bass extension. Then I'd take the 3k+ you just saved and get some nice furniture for that listening room!! And if you still have some cash left over, a nice red wine and some fine cigars.
Funny that you poke fun at my listening room furniture. I never looked at it that way but looking at my room from the outside, I can see your point. When you add shelves for CD's and DVD's, an equipment rack and room treatments, there is no room for any furniture. I had a nice leather couch in there at one time and it just got too coozy for three adults. Chairs work our better and I needed chairs that were light enough to move around when they were not in use. I need a new room or better yet, a new house. I've got the wine and do enjoy a good cigar...but not in my room.