Heard the $325000 Acapella's Sphaeron excaliburs?

I doubt many of us can afford them, but may be you have heard at the Show or something. How is the horn sound?
Yep - a Ferrari F430, even at 200K is MUCH more easily justifed than a box and drivers (any box and any drivers).

Someone above mentioned a house they saw at $X amount which sold. I'll never argue that real estate pricing right now isn't overblown, but show me a speaker that comes with a plot of land? Last I checked, they aren't making anymore land...but "they"'ll make as many speakers as you'll buy.....
Lots of useless responses. Just because you and I cannot afford such speakers does not make them overpriced or worthless. I have not heard the top-of-the-line Acapellas, but some I respect have very kind things to say about them. I have always found that the tweeter on Acapellas always stands out in its excellence with Acapella speakers, perhaps the rest of the system in the best Acapellas keeps up with the plasma tweeters. I settled for the LaCampanellas without the plasma tweeter because at least the sound was integrated without the tweeter standing out. I wish they were substantially more efficient as I have never heard a 100 watt or above amp that I thought was worth a damn.
I agree Tbg. Athough Ferrari Analogy makes good point, if you got the money, and if you can afford it and IF YOU LIKE the sound of Acapella's or any other big bucks speakers or components, there is nothing overpriced or worthless.

I bet most of us would buy top of the line electronics or speakers provided we like the sound, if suddenly get in to money (mega million lotto).
I haven't either heard of the Sphaeron's before and I've never heard them. I do find $325,000 a lot of money for speakers. And, I don't know anyone who owns such speakers. Could I consider paying 325K for absolutely the best ever made? Sure. I have. But, I didn't.

I find the thought of metaphors as to what else costs 325K not significant. By the standards of Ships, nothing in the universe of audio costs anything.

It would be interesting to hear a great room with these speakers and other great speakers all together.

Personally, (or course that's all it can be) I think it is at least ethically if not morally wrong to spend that much on speakers or anything else for that matter except for maybe a house. Think about the world we live in and what that kind of money could do to alleviate some of its problems. I'm not saying that we can't spend money on pleasure, but for God's sake can't we use a little common sense? One day I heard Barbra Streisand admonishing the government, and people in general, for not doing more for the poor. The next day I just happened to be watching Oprah (with my wife of course) and there was Barbra admitting on national tv that she spends between $5-6000 a week on fresh flowers and that she did'nt even know how many cars she owned. I guess my response is somewhat edgy because after teaching high school for 31 years, I make about 1/7 the price of these speakers. And my system costs about 1/10 of my salary. But I do enjoy the hell out of music, so on that note I'll shut up and go isten to something---like "Fanfare for the Common Man".