Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon

I noticed here a few conversations already about Avalon Eidolon and best matching amp. It appeared Eidolon sounds best with CAT and Jadis. But I can't afford to buy Eidolon and recommended amp electronics.

Could you please let me know if you had a good experience with 'down to earth' amps with Avalon Eidolon.

My current system is

Meridian 508.24,ARC LS15 Preamp,ARC VT100 MkII, Proac2.5, interconnect(XLR)\speaker cable - NBS Master III, Svetlana valves.

I was considering
1) change only speakers
2) change ARC VT100 for more powerful Mcintosh (don't know which one yet. I found suggestion to bridge MC275 and get 150W per channel.
3)change ARC VT100 for Electrocompaniet AW120 ( Nice SS amp can produce 200W into 4oms)
4)change VT100 for Gamut D200 MkIII ?
5)change VT100 for Ayre V-1xe ?

What are your suggestions?

Please write only if you had an experience with Avalon Eidolon and 'down to earth amps' (under US$10000)
Eavr11, even though you already made your purchase decision, I wanted to weigh in here with another recommendation for others who may read this thread. I have used the Avalon Eidolons for nearly 5 years now, and have tried several amps with them, tube and solid state.

I recently decided to try a Class D amp to see what the fuss was all about. After reviewing the offerings in the market, I acquired a pair of the Gilmore Class D Raptor 500D's. These class D monoblock amps offer 500 watts per channel into 4 ohms, and they are priced at a very reasonable $5000 for the pair.

I was blown away by what these Gilmore Raptor amps could do with my Eidolons! They easily and substantially bettered the Parasound JC1's I used for over a year, which sell for $6000 a pair. Soundstaging, a great strength of the Eidolons, was even more fabulous with these amps. The level of detail that comes through is also incredible. I particularly enjoyed these amps with good rock recordings. I'm so impressed with these amps, I plan to write a review on them in the near future, but wanted to offer this recommendation now for those seeking a reasonably priced pair of solid state amps for their Eidolons.
Congratulations Eavr11. Please report back with how everything has turned out. And did you ever decide on a line stage? Sounds like the Aesthetix Callisto might work here? 8-)

As you know I am a huge fan of the CAT amps. And before I bought the SoundLab speakers, I wanted so much to hear the Eidolons but it just never happened as I could not find an owner or dealer nearby who had these. And I destroyed my speaker budget when I got the CAT amps anyway. But I knew with the CAT amps, they would drive the Avalons with ease if and when I ever made the switch. But for now, the SoundLabs are keepers.
