Urgent Please Help Eggleston Savoy

Any Comments on Eggleston Savoy ? How do they compare to Avalon Osiris ? Comments Really appreciated !!!
Both great speakers. The Osiris are huge and a little laid back in the highs (I believe all Avalons were so prior to Eidolon era), you can maybe ask Deshapiro, he owned them prior to big Dynaudio's. I have the Savoy's in my showroom (DISCLAIMER: I'm the EW distributor for Italy) and they are a real reference speaker. They also weight a lot (410 lbs each) but not as the Osiris and come with custom casters. Their sound is timbrically similar to the Andra II but, because of the different load, your feeling is quite different. Keep in mind that they are designed mainly for mastering studios: dynamic capability, high spl and extreme timbric fidelity are the real targets. They also image extremely well, as the Andra's do. However, while the Andra's are more "musical" and sound "good" even with non perfect recording, the Savoy's, being more revealing and accurate, are less accommodating. This means that with the best recording you will be bring to the concert. As always, you should listen both for yourself before to make a decision. Best, luca.

Thanks a million for replying, I have replaced the Wilson Benesch with the Savoys. I am breaking them in right now, I used to own the old Andras and I liked the dynamics so I am now trying the older brother now. I did listen to the Osiris for quite a while at the dealer, and somehow I felt the music had a very holographic image and I did like them very much. I did make the decision already, My room is a bit too small for Osiris, and I needed to move my room 180 degrees if I bought them.

It seems that these Savoy do use a lot of power, or maybe the gain on my ML 32 preamp is not enough. My pass XA 200 monos are driving them now, do you have any good Power amp
advises for the Savoys ? I was thinking of driving them with 2 pairs of Pass XA 200s, or even AR Ref 300MKIIs,

If possible could you give me more information of the Savyos? The dealers here are not that helpful...



I think the best power amps for Savoy are CAT JL2/JL3. EW showed them in Las Vegas couple of years back with JL3 monos. I think you can find the photo on Audiogon show reports. It would be a much better choice then ARC, if you are going with tubes. Or with any other solid state for that matter.
I drive my Andras with JL2 and there is more then enough power together with triode class A magic. Get JL3 monos and you'll never look back.
regards, George