Anyone listened to Aerial 9's?

These have been around awhile now, but have received little press here, and virtually none in audio publications. They seem to have the same or similar bass drivers as used in the 7b (except maybe with aluminum voice coils), and the same 7b, 8b, 10t, MB Quart tweeter, with a new 6 inch midrange driver. Efficiency is better than the 7b and 8b, at 90db, and power handling is rated higher, up to 500wpc. I like the idea of the front firing bass drivers for easier room integration, and I believe the port is on the bottom. Bass is said to be down 2db at 30hz. It seems the bass should be tighter and with more impact due to the multiple smaller drivers, if not quite as extended as in the 10t or 8b. All in all, it seems this should be a very user friendly speaker, with the same attributes as the earlier highly rated Aerial models. Any user feedback?
I had the 9's for about one year replacing Snell XP-75 towers. I simply love these speakers combined with Aerial CC5 center. The 9's are very detailed in the highs and very tight low bass with great imaging.
Glad to hear you like them Pigtunia. I received mine and have had them up and running for a few days now. I like what I hear. They are quite different from the Alon's (and not necessarily "better"), but definitely better for my situation, listening preferences, and system. I will post a more detailed impression after I listen some more.
Hello All
I'm sure happy that its pretty much positive reviews. Without a local dealer, I'm buying based on prior experience with Aerial. I've picked up my pair today, Merry Christmas to me, and cannot wait to get home and fire them up. The 9's going to replace a pair of 7B's in my h/t & music setup.
The rest of the gear is Theta, Casa III with Extremes, Dreadnaught II etc.
Mitch it will take some time to break-end! They will sound very good. As you upgrade to better equipment they will only get better!