A question for the Pro's in setting up analog good

I purchased a Musical surroundings Phono Amp and a Music Hall MMF7 Table and arm which are on stereophiles list and also have pretty good private praise from audiogon and other sources, the combo has not been set up yet...

Question 1= I have a 47k rated cartridge of the MM variety, my phono amp is adjustable but should I set it at the 40k or 50k? I do not believe it is capable of doing exactly 47k....

Question 2= the cartridge is 1.5g recommended tracking weight... So should I experiment and go heavier to like 2g? what will the rule of thumb be, higher weight = better bass or what is the supposed effect?

Question 3(maybe)= Also, I have never had a table to know what VTA is? I guess it adjusts the height of the entire arm, so what is the goal with this adjustment, to get it parallel as possible while actually playing the LP? what effects will occur moving it up and down? (again for example better bass, worse bass, tradeoffs?)

I do have a shure stylus gauge and used it to set up a temporary table before the new purchases, with your basic alignment mirror for the whole cartridge setup and do know how to use them pretty well, I actually got the temp table sounding good and working perfectly no skips or anything, so now I just would like a decent understanding of what is gonna happen adjusting the parameter one way or the other and there effects, just in case It sounds like I am lacking in something what will correct it if you know what I mean. Like if the Bass is weak is more weight on the cart. the answer by going up a 1/4g, or changing the impeadance in the phono amp down to 40k vs. 50k going to fix it?

The phono amp does have gain adjustment too, but I know pretty much how that will work and this one is very good at the 40db setting as it sits.

Thanks and sorry for a long post
Sounds good, thats basically what I was looking for.. I plan to keep it simple, so 1.6g tops is the kinda thing I was looking for. Vta I will run it level as possible and then simply adjust the tracking weight when its in position of its final vta for now, Although I do not know what the suggested Vta is on my cart. I am not so sure it says anything in the specs about that. Thanks
Hi again, Matrix.

Here is a link that many of the A'gon experts turned me on to so I'll pass it along. Sorry, I'm too lazy to turn this into a hyper link. There is alot of very good information here and will answer your questions about adjustments and the effects.

Ahh, that link is very good, thing is I think my cart. only has one setting listed not a range, it just states 1.5g, not 1.5-1.8g or anything like that so I guess just get it set a 1.5g period right? Thanks

Great answers from Plato and Dan_ed.

If you'll mention which cartridge you have, it's possible that others are familiar with it. They could offer VTA and VTF suggestions specific to that cartridge.

The FAQ's on Vinyl Asylum contain many articles on turntable setup. All are interesting and most are accurate. If nothing else they offer a broad cross-section of ideas and techniques.

Enjoy the new rig!
I'm guessing that the 1.5 listing is for a nominal force. You could try a few tenths above and below that without much worry, say 1.3 to 1.7. But you may want to just leave at 1.5 while you dial in VTA. Just remeber that a few small changes in VTA will not affect VTF too much, but more than that and you should re-check VTF.

Another trick I used on the MMF 7, and on my Basis Vector, to help adjust VTA is to use playing cards as shims. The Project has two set screws holding it so you can shim one side, tighten the screw on the other side, then remove the cards and tighten the remaining screw. There are varying opinions on how tight the set screws should be. Personally, I don't like to tighten them anymore than it takes to keep the arm in place. Snug and no more. Others have reported that they get better bass with the screws tighter.