What is the best sounding amp for Maggies 3.7?

I have Maggies 3.6R but I want to change them on 3.7. Currently I'm using Classe CA-M400 and Audio Research VTM-200. Before I had Krell FBP200C.My amps sound very different with combination of preamps I have such as AR Ref.3,Atmasphere MP3 and Bent Audio (fully balanced passive preamp). I would like to change my amps on one of your choices just to try something else.I'm open to all suggestions weather it is tube or SS. I like open sound that includes all audiophile jargon such as depth,wide soundstage,control of speakers,detail but no lushness in sound or sweet highs.Highs need to be real with hard splashes of cymbals...ok I understand the preamp plays a great role in achieving this - MP3 and Bent Audio can do it I believe.
Thank you all for your suggestions.
Mr A- Here's something else you may consider: (http://www.odysseyaudio.com/products-stratos-mono.html) They have been compared to some of the best SS amps out there and truly shine. What some owners(144) have said: (http://www.audioreview.com/cat/amplification/amplifiers/odyssey-audio/stratos/prd_116037_1583crx.aspx#reviews) Notes: The Stratos comes in both mono pairs and stereo versions, and there are various factory upgrades available. The Odyssey line is a handmade, stateside version of the Symphonic Line, of Germany: (http://www.symphonic-line.com/productline_amplifier.html)
Rodman99999...I have owned almost every amp that Klaus has ever made. Stratos, Stratos Plus, Stratos Extreme, Stratos Dual Mono and several pair of different Stratos Mono amps.

While these were all excellent, not in the same League as the Sanders or the Pass...IMHO. But, a very fine amp for the money, (especially used).
Mr M- Were any of the Stratos monos upgraded versions? In what areas of presentation did you feel the Sanders & Pass excelled, compared to the Stratos? Just curious, as to your experiences.
What amps are used to "voice" Magnepan speakers? Try to find this out--there has been a long-standing relationship between Magnepan and Audio Research here in the Twin Cities. You may want to call Audio Perfection, the only authorized dealer for both makes in MN. Ask for Mark or Eric.
I heard the 1.6 with CJ tubes. Sounded phenomenal very smooth and musical. Based on that experience I would love to hear the 3.6 is with ASL hurricanes. Apparently because of the Maggies purely resistive nature they work well with tubes. And everyone knows that if your speakers work well with tubes, you should use them as they sound much better than sand :)