certin speaker makers harder to get dissounts fro

I have gotten a lot of good info here in the past few days, my new question is . The Martin logan dealers i have talked with said they never discount, but they are on sale( the vantage) for $60 off per speaker. Is this true for others who have bought ML speakers you could not get a price break even when spending a far amout of money. If it seems like i harp on money plese for give me im am but a Parmedic and it has taken me some time to put together 11000 dollars. Looking at some of the systems here that may be your cable budget. I dont wish you ill if if can afford this type of gear, I just wish I could also. Maybe one day, and it is fun to dream
OK, this is late but I auditioned a pair of speakers in a dealer's house (he works from home). These were in his listening room and are his demo/personal use pair which he is not selling. He does not keep a lot of stock other than what he displays and demos (two listening rooms, one TV room) in his house. He quoted me MSRP plus tax for a pair of speakers. I auditioned there for a couple of hours by appointment. When I asked if he could do better on price he offered a 5% discount if I paid up front when he ordered them from the manufacturer. He would cover delivery and set-up in my home. Fair or no? Does it matter if these are $5k or $20k speakers?
Without knowing more, unless the set up takes substantial time, I would say that the answer is no. You should be able to do better.
Oscar, buy from him at 5% off and be glad he helped you find what you are after. If it's not what you want, then don't agonize and move on.

You decide what is a good deal for you. That said, the above is my take.

Above all, enjoy.
You can walk in any dealer and make just about any fair reasonable offer and he'll take it. The Inet is killing the dealers. Just make your final offer and walk. He'll be calling.