Best isolation cones

Wanting to purchase some new isolation cones for my amp and Oppo 105. See Nordost isolation cones however wondered if they are really worth the extra money or are there any alternatives? One of the things I don't like about Nordost cost is how high they make your unit sit. Also I have seen other isolation components like Vibrapods or Pangea audio Mega feet at a fraction of the price.

Advice please

No noise, there is an "Extra Firm" model of Herbies Tenderfeet that I have used with success under 90 pound mono blocks. Those are supposed to be effective under components weighing up to 220 pounds.
Hi Guys,

Wow lots of advice and I will check out the other brands as although Nordost may be good I just can't get over the size of the cones but this is something I may be willing to overcome if it sounds better.
Inexpensive footers that I have recently purchased are the footers from Mad Science Audio and the new footers from Econotweeks. Both made audible improvements in sound to my system
MItch2, yes, I have both the small and large Tenderfeet and it was the larger and more solid one that I tried and I wasn't prepared for the lessening of the sound. It never happened before and all I can think of is that the Marantz units that I have are so solidly built, including the attached footers (which are as solid as all get out having only a thin pad of sorts for the base) that they obviate the need for aftermarket footers.

It could be that Ken Ishikawa really thought this one out. If anyone else has a well built unit that didn't benefit from aftermarket footers, please let us know so I know that I'm not imagining this. :-)

All the best,
Nonoise, you are not dreaming, I have about 40 pieces of Herbie's and his TT mat.
As in all brands, sound good with this and bad with that.
We don't even know the variables, much less understand them.
Fun of hobby is trying stuff,hard on wallet though !