Audio - Post Divorce

Audio has definitely been more fun and rewarding post-divorce. No more keeping equipment in the trunk of my car waiting for my wife to leave the house so I could sneak the gear in because once its in the rack, she never ever noticed it.

I also have a greater appreciation of music and can definitely live with a lot less. I also believe that after you go through life's trials and tribulations and difficulties, whether it's a death in the family, loss of job, surviving cancer, divorce or other life's hardships you definitely get to appreciate things much more.

Please feel free to share if you can relate to this or if you can't. Thanks for reading :)
With your new perspective and appreciation you're going to be just fine😃
Hang in there. I hope you can sit down and have a good listening session soon.
A bad marriage sucks the joy out of every otherwise enjoyable aspect of life. A good wife makes the hardest times bearable. Take some time to rediscover yourself and the world. As time goes on your appreciation for both the finer things and simple pleasures will continue to increase. But in the end,it is not good for man to be alone.