Tyler Accoustics Lynbrook system ones

I would like to hear from owners of these speakers on how they feel they perform. How is the sound stage, and imaging? I am looking for smooth highs and great mids I just ordered a pair and would like some feed back on these speakers from the owners since I went on feed back to buy these speakers. Thanks everyone for all the help my first thread ...Joe
Well, you call Ty, tell him the speaker you want and then give him your credit card number. ;-) Seriously, I had some reservations when I bought my first pair of Taylo 7Us, but none at all when I got the Linbrooks. Like many people here, I have limited opportunity to demo a lot of high end speakers, so the starting point was Audiogon feedback and other Tyler owners.

However, a larger factor for me is that I've found it's extremely hard IMO to get a good sense of what any component will do based on a showroom demo. The gear upstream, room acoustics, speaker placement etc. all have a large effect on what you end up actually hearing. For example, I've heard B&W 802s in several different demo rooms in a short period of time and there was a significant difference in how they sounded. How a new component will sound in your setup, in your room can often be a semi-educated guess. That's not to say that showroom demos can't be useful; I've A/B'ed CD players and other components in the same dealer system and it helps reveal different characteristics.

If the dealer will let you take something home for a test drive in your system, that's the best way to go. Companies like Tyler that have great, no-hassle return policies essentially let you do that.
Agree with above, very difficult to really hear the end result at a dealer, and most prefer not loaning them out but a few will if you have a good relation with them. When I bought me first pair of Tylers I was going mostly on the good press as there wern't that many owners at the time but Ty assured me if I wasn't a 100% happy I could get a full refund, well I received the speakers and I was blown away with the sound and quality, I then decided to move up the Tyler line and bought the Ref III and planning no speaker upgrades. Sometimes you gotta take a chance, how many used components have you purchased off the gon and not heard them, I know I have many many times, no different with speakers....
Sorry to move the discussion sideways a bit, but has anyone heard Ty's new high sensitivity Pro Dynamic range, with compression horn tweeter. It looks like what I need for my SET amp, but it is so new, I don't know if anyone has them yet.
David12 - A couple of people here on Audiogon have heard and/or purchased the speakers and one had a pair up for sale due to financial reasons. I talked a couple of times with Ty while he was developing the speakers and he was very excited about them. Give Ty a call and he'll be happy to discuss them. One thing he will not do is to try and push them or oversell them - it's just not his style.