
I went to the audio show today and had a great time, but I must give kudos to Resolution Acoustics on the forth floor. A must listen set of rooms and my vote for best sounding rooms.
I agree... to be able to walk from one room... that had no acoustical treatments... to an adjoining room that had acoustical treatments... and hear the exact same music being played on the same source components through identical speakers was pretty cool.
The best sound at the show for me was the Accoustic Zen Cresendo
speakers paired with Triode of Japan 845 mono amps. This room is
spectacular sounding.... so musical and engaging. Nothing to my ears was
as emotionally arresting. Maybe the Audionote room got 80% there.

The mega dollar rooms were a tad underwhelming for me. This was my first
show in 28 years and very educational. I could not sit for more than 5
minutes in the Magico room.

However the Triode Corporation of Japan 845 amps paired with their $3200
preamp and $3200 CD player feeding the Cresendo speakers was a
complete joy. My wife and I could not get enough of this room.

Mr. Robert Lee of Accoustic Zen is a gracious room host and humble
+1 your observations of the Acoustic Zen/Triode Corp amps. I have had the
pleasure of hearing this combination on three separate occasions and each
time it was a thrilling experience. Just plain beautiful sounding music
reproduction. I also share your feeling regarding the Magicos, I know what
you mean. It seems we both must hear things in a very similar fashion.