
I went to the audio show today and had a great time, but I must give kudos to Resolution Acoustics on the forth floor. A must listen set of rooms and my vote for best sounding rooms.
The Scan Sonic room was very good and that line of speakers a great value! Yes, the 12th floor with the big dollar systems was boring and disappointing.

Charles, I would like that exact Triode & Accoustic Zen system transported to my room.

Ebm, that was funny. I meant the sound made me want to leave the room quickly as it was nervous and irritating sounding.
What were they playing in the magico room that was so irritating I wonder?

I've heard a few Magico demos and though I am not sure or not if they would be my cup of tea over the long, especially for the cost, I don't recall thinking there was anything bad going on necessarily. The mini's in particular I thought were just too undersized to deliver all the goods like a true fullrange but used in teh right way in the right room I found nothing offensive about them.

Still waiting to hear about the one sound that everyone agrees is even good much less the best. Choice in sound is much like most other things life, a highly personal choice. So nothing surprises me much anymore.
I am referring to the room where Magico paired with Audio Research. Not sure of the Magico model, but they were huge! No matter the type of music played they simply sounded sterile and boring.

The larger MBL room was specatular and I would think all agree. At least that was the sense at the show.
ARC/Magico both tend towards high resolution/detail so might not be my preferred pairing unless one wants very high-res with a tube amp and all that goes with that. Some might, others not so much.

Many larger, more expensive setups I see at shows shoot to raise the bar in all areas including detail/resolution. That's not always my cup of tea but I can appreciate it when done well.