
I went to the audio show today and had a great time, but I must give kudos to Resolution Acoustics on the forth floor. A must listen set of rooms and my vote for best sounding rooms.
Merrill Wettasinghe was kind enough to respond to me and provide clarification on the pairing of the VERITAS amps and the horns. He graciously allowed me to post his reply, which is included in part below.

"The VERITAS was partnered with the Horns due to the sonic qualities of the horns that were dicovered accidently by the Sadurni during a city shutdown because of a snow storm. In the listening sessions, The VERITAS Monoblocks were toyingly and reluctantly replacing a high end Tube amp. Much to everyones surprise, and to the surprise of Sadurni also, it was better. I was not in that listening session and was called later to listen it them which I reluctantly did as I care much for the horn sound. I was surprised also at the sound from the horns which has no horn sound but all the dynamics and punch.
Here is the reviewer's write up."

Milpai. What was it about the Vandersteen Treos that you found disappointing?
I found them sounding "boxed in" and not as open as I heard the same song from other speakers. Not sure if it was the room or something else. Though the piano sounded good, the drums set did not sound natural at all. That bothered me during the demo.
I have heard the Magico speakers at many shows and with a lot of different electronics. They do all the audiophile stuff right but they are not involving. To me it's all about being Involved with the music. Without that what is the point.
Taters, every time I come home from my rich friends house I am reminded how much better my Gallo/Eastern Electric/AVA systems sounds than his Lamm/Magico one at about 60K less.