
I went to the audio show today and had a great time, but I must give kudos to Resolution Acoustics on the forth floor. A must listen set of rooms and my vote for best sounding rooms.
Milpai, Think Haiku without the poetry.

The big Magicos sounded very good at Axpona, but no better than some others. One of the big surprises for me was how good the new Sonus Faber Lilium sounded in the ARC room. Some of this may have been due to the DS Audio optical cartridge that I think was on the TT. Other particularly impressive speakers included HHR Exotic Walsh type, Scaena Manhattan, new top Vapor, Kaiser, and Wilson Sabrina.
Of course it should probably be pointed out that when you listen to speakers your really listening to everything in the system, for better or worse. Especially at the shows when manufacturers INSIST on showing new unbroken in equipment they don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting excellent sound. Maybe they can get generic, so-so sound. If they're lucky.
Essential audio, it's nice you have that attitude about your customers and treat them with respect. I wish more dealers in Southern California had that attitude. A lot of dealers out here are looking for the big fish. One in fact carries Magico and he won't give you the time of day unless you are looking to spend 6 figures on a system. He also works with one of the biggest charlatans in the business and endorses whatever this guru says. I won't mention names but if your into high-end audio in Southern California you probably know who I am talking about.
It is interesting that all or most of the Axpona rooms mentioned in this thread are identified by the speakers heard. So it is always good to keep in mind that speakers alone make no sound when evaluating what one hears.

Attributing everything to the speakers alone an easy trap to fall into. Its an error of omission mainly, but can be a misleading one when it happens.
Mapman, Agreed, listening at shows is confusing at best. However, when the whole chain in a particular room sounds great then you can be pretty sure about the performance level of the speakers. Also, it's important to wait until full warm-up on the third day of a show before forming judgment.