is it sacrilege?

My wife wants to put a staue on each of my audio physic tempo floorstanders. They are on spikes.
Should it be O.K.? They actually look kinda nice though I hate to admit it.
Bdgregory, have you tried calling a furniture re-finisher, or a woodworking outlet? Perhaps some type of oil will work.
Time to stand your ground.

Next thing you know she will have you moving them around.
I would suggest heavy brass - have you ever heard of / seen Totem Beaks? They actually improve the sound by reducing cabinet vibrations.
It's a win-win situation.
And yet another reason to stay singel emerges from the forums at AudioGon. Statues on speakers...what's next speaker grills?
I believe that it depends entirely as to what the statues are depictions of!

Yes, think this through...

Everything has possibilities.