Is Vinyl Worth It

Great cartoon in this week's New Yorker magazine. Has a caption: 'The two things that really drew me to vinyl were the expense and the inconvenience'. Sounds familiar.
I never got used to CD's having only "one side". LP's were programmed as two separate sides, the songs and their relationship to the other songs on their one side being a complete experience unto itself. When older albums are put on CD with the two sides running together, sometimes what made each side work is destroyed. Of course, it's a different story with albums made since CD's took over. With them, I find many albums too damn long, with a lot of filler, just to make for a "CD length" album. But I'm old.
I like the sound as an alternative/change of pace but I don't like the extra procedural "work" involved. So I don't listen to my LP's as often as CDs or tuner.
05-19-15: Viridian
I feel the same about having chosen a real wife over a blow up doll.
LOL! I had a good chuckle reading this one!! ;-)
it's been written/said before - anything with boobs or wheels is going to be a lot of fun but it will give you problems....
"LP's were programmed as two separate sides, the songs and their relationship to the other songs on their one side being a complete experience unto itself. "

+1 and well stated.
If you have to ask!

@Mapman's Top 10

@Mofimadness's +1

I've never questioned its worth. Music is life for me. Always has & will be. I'm thankful I have been this lucky enough to
have had it - up to this point - in my life. There are many things I have not been so lucky with....

- Don't obsess about your rig. Don't do it! Don't you do it! (Spend your money on more important things!! Like the best
vinyl pressings there is of your favorite music (this can take a lot of personal time, effort and yes money).
- But most important: Enjoy the music! All ways.