Speakers used under 1K

I'm looking for some new speakers for my living room system. I've always liked PSB Stratus Silvers or Golds. My current amplification is a Marantz reciever but I'm probably going to add a solid state amp(at least 150 watts). Any other recommendations???
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I just saw 4 pr of Definitive Technology BP10 closeouts for 600 bucks list at $1000. From American Theatre. These are a very good value for the money especialy at $600 makes it even better. I have had BP8,BP10's. They have plenty of bass don't really need a sub either. They look nice and fit any decor. Stereo review did a review of the BP8 a long while back and said they are compared to speakers of $2000.
Look at Magnepan. You will need the amp though, because Marantz receivers don't have the current to drive them.