Do I want a sub with VR-4jr's?

Hi everyone
I have a set of Von schweikert vr4jrs, powered by a sim audio processor and bel canto amps. I love the sound. I am using them for 85% music and 15% Home theatre. I am thinking about getting a sub to round out the extreme bottom end, but I am left thinking that due to the excellent low end extension of the jr's that I may not realise much benefit. If I do buy a sub I have no problem getting good it Rel, MJ or whatever.
Any recommendations? What subs do you think would work well for *seamless* integration with music and maybe help HT use?
My musical preferance is ANYTHING but country.

How do you like the signal cable products with your system? I also have the 3910 and I am considering using all signal cable ic's in my system.
"It will cost you a lot to hear the last 5Hz in the audible range"
VR-4jr specs claim output at 28Hz, you'd be surprized to see the actual freq. response curve of the main speakers as measured by Velodyne's microphone. It's far from the claimed 28Hz. Velodyne pretty much will fill-in below 40-45 Hz down to 15-20 Hz. Not exactly "last 5 Hz".
The audible difference is very significant, and integration is not all that cumbersome,but again, it will cost you.
I can tell I am lacking the very bottom of the audible range

I read somewhere that these speakers are specified flat down to 23 Hz +/- 2db... This is simpy an amazing specification. There is no possible way you should be lacking low end if these specifications are correct...unless you have a very large room or something is wrong with the speakers.

What is your source - are you quite sure you are sending the full LF range to your speakers? Do you have perhaps a huge room size?
I would check out a Rel Storm III, or Bagend sub. They are the easier ones to integrate IMHO. Personally, I haven't had luck making a sub work where I didn't notice there was a seperate sub attached. Great for movies though.

Have you tried moving the VR4jr's closer to the wall?