Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Guarneri Memento to the original Guarneri?

Does anyone have any pricing info on the new Guarneri Mementos?
Flg2001, I think the Jadis amps are a great match for GH's.
The only question is if they have enough drive capability.
You might also consider Joules and Lamm's. I also recently heard BAT amps with them, not bad at all but not as good as the Jadis.
Again, this subject is very room dependant.
I totally agree Daveyf - I am a big Gryphon fan, but in this particular case with my current room and sources - the Jadis brought more musicality and refinement to my system.

I kept the Jadis DA50 Signature for the moment - but after hearing what the JA50 Monos did, I am after buying them shortly.

Curious about the DA88S thou....
I owned the GH's for a long time. Upgraded to the mementos and WOW, the sound is HUGE with the M's. The GHs are way more laid back and no where near as dynamic.

the M's still have an amazing midrange but maybe not as syrupy as the GH's. My preference for looks is the GH, sound the GM's.

The reason the GH's sell so fast is that they are usually less than half the cost of the GM's and they are legendary.

I would keep both if I could but the M's stay.
Stevehuff1, Are you saying that the GM's are an easier load on the amp than the GH's?
What ancillary equipment are you using and is this the same
equipment and room your were using for the GH's?
What does 'maybe not as syrupy' mean in regards to the midrange reproduction?
The GH's are indeed legendary, why do you think that the GM's are not?
I am appreciating your comments about Guarneri Memento vs. Guarneri Homage speakers.
I am almost decide that Guarneri will be my next speakers. I have auditioned GH at home and was extremely pleased. Also Sonus Faber speakers are makes great synergy with Jadis electronics I have. First I was thinking also about of Amati Anniversario, but these speakers produce such amount of bass that can be too large to my 23 m^2 room.

Could you kindly let me know something more about both Guarneri comparison in terms of bass performance. How large is your room and how the Guarneris perform on bass department in your conditions.

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,